Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pilates, of course, but what's this Springboard thing?

IE has been bombarded with tons of exercise classes lately. Those purporting to address the "holy grail" muscles of the core: lifting and toning the seat, abs, and thighs are especially intriguing. (swimsuit season--sigh) IE loves a thrown gauntlet, so here we go--getting out there--exercising.

IE decided to test out Pilates Mat Springboard class at Synergy Pilates, a local studio here in lovely Marin. Synergy Pilates

You've seen Pilates classes reviewed here before: intrepid exerciser: pilates and yoga go head to head. The technique is so multi-layered and diverse it deserves multiple examinations. Here is another site to look at for more information on Pilates. more info on Pilates. But as the practitioners at Synergy Pilates succinctly put it:

"Pilates is a form of exercising that works to change the shape of your body by using core based movements. Pilates strengthens and lengthens muscle; it does not build muscle mass. Adding this type of strength exercise to your regular cardio workout will help to give your body a better transformation."

IE is heeding their advice and taking some Pilates Springboard  classes.
The Pilates Springboard was developed by Ellie Herman and her business partner.

Ellie is a dancer who turned to Pilates after an injury--and kept turning to the training--and kept innovating. ellie herman pilates.

"The best thing about my short stay at NYU was the morning Pilates mat class with Kathy Grant, a disciple of Joe Pilates...She taught me that depth and creativity could be brought to the Pilates Method.. "

Ellie's Pilates Springboard is a 6-foot-high wall-mounted platform, with easy-to-adjust arm and leg springs. The exercises are the same as those done on the larger and more expensive Cadillac or Trapeze Table so it delivers the same total-body toning benefits.

ID (inveterate dancer--was totally "hooked" when she saw the wood plank bolted to the wall, with it's spings and pulleys. It made her remember the funky modern dance studios with their cracked mirrors and oddly placed poles holding up paint-peeled -ceilings.)

But watch the below videos. These exercises are challenging! IE will not be floating down memory lane!! Stay tuned for the post-class-wrap-up. This week Pilates Springboard. Next week...You'll see!!

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